Neuroscience and Peacebuilding
Exploring the Neurobiological Dimensions of Violent Conflict and the Peacebuilding Potential of Neuroscientific Discoveries
This, the inaugural volume of NeuroPeace, is a three-part series that brings together a group of eminent researchers on the frontlines of neuroscience to share—in a way that is accessible and engaging to nonscientists—their work and to spotlight how it might be relevant and useful to those who work to prevent wars, terrorism, and other forms of violent conflict and to help societies and individuals to heal in the aftermath of violence. The researchers cover a broad range of cutting-edge topics that are grouped under three broad headings and published in three separate editions: Individual Aggression (NeuroPeace no. 1), Group Dynamics (NeuroPeace no. 2), and Trauma (NeuroPeace no. 3).

Part I: Individual Aggression
March 2021
Citation: “Individual Aggression,” ed. Colette Rausch, NeuroPeace no. 1 (https://www.neuropeace.org/volumes), March 15, 2021, https://2a362984-4f4f-474d-91d8-f919ce482921.filesusr.com/ugd/f0e071_eb6a82e891634ce4b0f1d88766c1e539.pdf?index=true
Part II: Group Dynamics
April 2021
Citation: “Group Dynamics,” ed. Colette Rausch, NeuroPeace no. 2 (https://www.neuropeace.org/volumes), April 15, 2021, https://2a362984-4f4f-474d-91d8-f919ce482921.filesusr.com/ugd/f0e071_8c16ead94ee8411f80dd084d8aac4bc6.pdf.

Part III: Trauma
May 2021
Citation: “Trauma,” ed. Colette Rausch, NeuroPeace no. 3 (https://www.neuropeace.org/volumes), May 31, 2021, https://2a362984-4f4f-474d-91d8-f919ce482921.filesusr.com/ugd/f0e071_4d883dc8a168449e8ff1b9aaf5adf2a5.pdf.